You will have access to advice by telephone and email at all reasonable times. We aim to respond within 48 hours, but usually respond on the same day the enquiry comes in.
Telephone advice will always be backed up in writing.
The contract includes the provision of a 'Radiation Protection File' (RP File). This contains a Radiation Policy, Local Rules and a Radiation Risk Assessment specific to your practice as required by IRR2017. It also contains a full set of procedures to cover the requirements of IRMER. Other relevant documentation strongly suggested by the Dental Guidance Notes, such as inventory sheets etc. will also be found in the File.
Although the contract does not include the provision of critical examinations of new X-ray equipment or the 3-yearly radiation QA tests, the Radiation Protection File does include information on, and the record sheets required for, routine QA. All new contracts now include a simple stepwedge to facilitate your routine image QA.
We will review plans prior to the installation and purchase of new X-ray equipment. This may save you money, as many installers tend to over-specify the amount of radiation shielding required.
Whilst we know we offer a very competitive price for RPA/MPE provision for practices with intra-oral and OPT sets, we are aware that our prices for CBCT cover may be significantly higher than some other providers. This is because we provide a dedicated Radiation Protection File for the CBCT, which contains all the documents required by legislation and suggested by guidance. We will review plans to assess the placement and shielding requirements of the equipment prior to installation and visit practices where plans indicate there may be potetial issues or when requested.
Before you consider a CBCT RPA/MPE contract based simply on price, ask the provider whether they produce the required radiation risk assessment, local rules and separate IRMER procedures that are needed for CBCT use. We guarantee to provide complete documentation tailored to your practice, not just a template for you to complete yourself.
Three-year, no-visit contracts with no membership fees
Contract start date to suit you
Single price for up to 3 intra-oral or OPT X-ray sets (£550), thereafter a small additional charge of £20 per set
Free advice by phone or email for the duration of the contract
Provision of Word documents giving a complete Radiation Protection File containing all your relevant documents included in the price
Amendments to local rules and risk assessments for new equipment included in contract price
Hand held sets (for practices with other wall mounted intra oral sets) will incur an addtional fee of £70 as these will require a separate risk assessment and local rules
Review of any plans would incur an supplementary charge starting at £145 for a simple plans review, but this would increase for larger practices or mixed equipment (eg. lasers and xray/CBCT). You would always be informed of the cost before we start.
CBCT contracts cost £550 and include Word documents giving a dedicated CBCT Radiation Protection File and an annual review of the recommended QA tests
Practice visits can be arranged if required. Visits may be necessary if you have, or intend to purchase, a CBCT machine. Visits will incur an additional fee
All prices quoted are exclusive of VAT which will be added to the invoice issued with the contract
NB: these prices are for 2025 - our prices change each January
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