As Dental Surgeons, you may use both ionising and non-ionising radiations. These radiations are likely to be associated with the use of x-ray machines, blue-light sources and possibly lasers.

Although you will no doubt understand and be aware of the risks involved in using your particular apparatus or procedures, there is a significant amount of complex legislation surrounding the use of ionising and non-ionising radiations that you may not be fully aware of.

Your Practice has to ensure that it complies with this legislation if it wishes to avoid potential prosecution, and if you are to keep your staff, patients and visitors safe.

The law says that employers using ionising radiation must consult and appoint a suitable Radiation Protection Adviser about compliance with the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17).

You also need to comply with the Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2017 (IRMER), where ongoing access to a Medical Physics Expert is needed.
Why do I need a Radiation Protection Adviser?
Advise the employer as to the precise requirements of the IRRs;

Assist in the production of risk assessments prior to starting work with ionising radiation;

Audit local procedures and documentation to check they are adequate;

Assist in the production of, or improvement to, the necessary documentation;

Assist the employer in implementing appropriate work practices;

Liaise with other professionals regarding the introduction of new equipment, premises or uses of ionising radiation;

Review and 'sign off' plans.
What is the role of the RPA?
Planning a new practice?
- click here
What is the role of the MPE?

Advise the employer about IRMER;

Provide the full draft written proceedures required by IRMER;

Assist the employer in implementing appropriate work practices;

Advise about the correct functioning of the x-ray set and radiation doses to patients;

Liaise with other professionals regarding the introduction of new equipment, and uses of ionising radiation.
About Us
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The Law
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